Bootlace walking groups
Seasonal walking from Cortijo Romero

Easter, Early Summer and Autumn guided walks from Cortijo Romero 2022

9 - 16 April 2022, 21 - 28 May 2022, 8 -15 October 2022

Fiona and Paul guide these weeks based at Cortijo Romero:

Easter walks taking in spring flowers, early summer in the airy heights of the Sierra Nevada mountains and the warm sunshine of southern Spain, or join us for the glowing sunsets of Autumn walking

For prices and booking follow this link in green to CONTACT CORTIJO ROMERO OFFICE

This is a great introduction to walking in the mountainous Alpujarra region and a perennial favourite with participants. Enjoy a week of varied hikes in good company, exploring this beautiful and inspiring region where winter is like April in England and the autumn arrives with fruits to gather, trees ablaze with gorgeous colours and glowing sunsets. (In October average temperatures are still in the twenties). The Alpujarra, perched on the southern slopes of the Sierra Nevada, is still criss-crossed by a network of mule paths, ancient drovers roads and old Moorish silk routes which wind through the valleys and mountains. Amongst the wooded hillsides is a still-functioning system of arab acequias (irrigation channels) which waters terraces of olive, sweet chestnut and walnut trees. The whitewashed mountain villages, with their mazes of tiny streets and covered alleys give testament to the Berber influence. You will be accompanied by guides who live here and have an intimate knowledge of the region

Daily walks will vary in length and effort required, but the emphasis is on relaxation and enjoyment. Massages and other complementary treatments are available from the Cortijo Romero practitioners. Easter week brings mild weather and fresh spring growth in the fields and village gardens. Step into Summer at the end of May takes us higher into the beautiful Sierra Nevada Mountains following in the steps of the shepherds who bring their flocks up into the cooler air and the peace of high meadows and pastures. Autumn Walking in October brings warm, bright light, and fruits and nuts to gather. Not forgetting a visit to the sea-side nature reserve and an optional trip to Granada to visit the Alhambra or the superb Arab Hammam - oh, and the fabulous vegetarian cuisine offered by the Cortijo Romero kitchen!

view from alberquillas de la guarda

WHAT PEOPLE SAY: "Both Paul and Fiona were excellent walk leaders. Despite not being an experienced trekker I felt totally at ease walking with them, their knowledge of the walks/surrounding area was exceptional. I appreciated their calm and relaxed manner as well as providing their advice/guidance to less able walkers !" (W.R. Winter Walking 2019). "Paul and Fiona were adept at managing a group of walkers with differing levels of fitness. Their local knowledge is excellent, and this enhanced all the expeditions..." (S.B. Easter Walking 2019) "fantastic, very knowledgeable about the area and the walks " (A.R. Easter Walking 2019)

FOR MORE INFORMATION Courses at Cortijo Romero

AND FOR BOOKING, contact the team at Cortijo Romero bookings


Comments: - what people have said about walking and their holidays with Bootlace:
"It was the most enjoyable holiday I've had. I really hope to come on another Bootlace trip in the future, Fiona and Paul do a great job of looking after everyone." — T.D. - March 2012

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